Adrenaline Auto-injector Expiry Alerts

EpiPen Jext Emerade

For anyone carrying adrenaline auto-injectors such as EpiPen, Jext, Emerade, Anapen or Auvi Q for the management of Anaphylaxis, it can be hard to keep track of expiry dates especially if the adrenaline auto-injectors are in different places like school or home.  The good news is most of the manufacturers provide a free expiry alert service and it’s very easy to sign up for a reminder for auto-injectors that have different expiry dates.

Sign up via the website links below and choose whether to receive a reminder alert before your adrenaline auto-injector expires via email, text or both.

Sign up at the clickable titles today and that’s one less worry in the management of your or your child’s allergy


EpiPen Expiry Alert Service UK Link

EpiPen Expiry Alert Service Canada Link

Your EpiPen auto-injector expires on the last day of the month indicated on the pen, so if your EpiPen says April, it expires on the last day of April and should be replaced.  What better way to ensure you don’t forget than to sign up for Epipens free expiry Alert Service?  Fill in the form and you will be sent a reminder notification by email, text or both 4 weeks before your EpiPen is due to expire, again at 2 weeks and the day after the expiration of your EpiPen adrenaline auto-injector. If your epinephrine auto-injectors have different expiry dates you can register each pen for a separate reminder notification.


Jext Expiry Alert Service Link 

Scroll down to the bottom of the page, fill in the form and you will be sent a reminder notification by email, text or both 4 weeks before your Jext is due to expire, again at 2 weeks and the day after the expiration of your Jext adrenaline auto-injector.


Emerade Expiry Alert Service LInk

Fill in the form and you will be sent a reminder to reorder your Emeradevia email 30 days before it expires


Anapen Expiry Alert Service Link

Click ‘Register for Expiry Alert Service’, complete the details required and you will receive a reminder via email, text or post when your Anapen is due to expire.  This service is available for Ireland only


Auvi-Q Expiry Alert Service Link

Complete the form for an expiration date reminder for Auvi-Q epinephrine auto-injector


If you know of other epinephrine auto-injector expiry alerts please feel free to drop an email to and we will add them to this list.


You may also find our links to Allergy & Anaphylaxis Sample Plans useful

For more useful information click here for links to  Sample Allergy & Anaphylaxis Action Plans

To carry and protect your adrenaline auto-injectors check out our EpiPen Cases

Disclaimer: The Expiry Alert Services are provided by the individual adrenaline auto-injector manufacturers and not Allergy Lifestyle Ltd. The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Allergy Lifestyle Limited (t/a) Allergy Lifestyle) uses reasonable endeavours to check the accuracy of information provided however no warranty is given that they are error-free. Always seek the advice of an allergy specialist and follow your anaphylaxis emergency care plan.

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