Aerochamber Plus Flow Vu Spacer


Inhalers can be challenging because the medicine comes out very quickly and can end up in your mouth and throat. Using an AeroChamber Plus Flow-Vu Chamber with your inhaler helps ensure the medicine is delivered correctly to your lungs.

Aerochamber Plus Flow Vu Spacer is the gold standard in Spacers:

  • EZ Flow*Exhalation Valve – Minimizes re-breathing
  • Flow-Vu*Inhalation Indicator – Assures carer inhalation is performed correctly
  • FlowSignal*Whistle – Sounds when the patient is inhaling too rapidly
  • Anti-static chamber – Can be used out of the package without pre-treatment
  • Responsive one-way Inspiratory Valve – Retains medication inside the chamber for the next breath.
  • ComfortSeal*Mask – Flexible, anatomically designed for different age groups

Never lose your Spacer! Shop our Spacer Buddy Strap today

50% off spacer buddy with code SpacerBuddy with any Aerochamber purchased

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